Sunday, February 2, 2020

Intermittent Fasting & Keto: How to handle cheat day weight gain?

The good news is that fasting and the ketogenic way of eating can really help you lose weight, gain confidence, feel great, lose pants sizes, etc.

Unfortunately, when you introduce processed food and carbs well over 20 to 50 carbs several things happen which can be discouraging:

1. Kick you out of ketosis.
2. The scale can read 4 to 7 pounds heavier the next morning than the low number you recently achieved.
3. Feelings of anger (at yourself), disbelief, frustration and confusion. How can days or weeks of good work be erased in one bad day?

So what to do?

1. First thing to do is to relax and take a deep breath.
2. Cheating once in a while is normal
3. Use your feelings of anger, etc to help you decide in the future if you want to eat all those carbs if it’s likely to set you back a couple of days? In other words is the food worth it if it will take a couple of days to get back below your recent low weight?
4. Recognize that the jump in weight is mostly water and will come off once you re-engage in keto/fasting
5. Perform and overnight (36 hour) fast to reboot.

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