Tuesday, July 5, 2016

How IoT is Disrupting Everything

In case you haven’t heard, the internet of things (alongside and with big data and advanced AI) is one of the most exciting technical developments of our times. Right now, our phones are connected to the internet, our laptops are connected to the internet, and many of us even have our televisions connected to the internet.
The IoT revolution envisions a world where everything is connected to the internet: thermostats, cars, backpacks, bus stations, necklaces, sidewalks, buildings, and even some day, people. Below is a breakdown of 4 industries that will be disrupted by IoT, and a glimpse of what the disruption might look like


The aspect of IoT that has received the most attention is it’s applications for the everyday consumer. Refrigerators that know when you’re out of orange juice and so place an order for some more on Amazon, thermometers that you can control from your phone, glasses that display a digitally enhanced reality. Some have heralded the death of consumer IoT, but what these individuals are really speaking to is a slow-down in the development of “smart home” IoT...
For the full blog, visit MarkJuviler.com

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