Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Data Dharma: The Fourfold Path of Big Data

Over the past decade alone, big data analytics (BDA) has seen huge leaps economically, technologically, and theoretically. At some point in the future, businesses and individuals will be feeling the benefits of big data in a truly big way. But if companies hope to get the most of BDA, they're going to need to approach it with a fourfold path in mind.
Image of Data Dharma Wheel by Mark Juviler

1. Right Data

Times used to be that companies really wanted to limit the data that they were looking at. After all, people and machines used to be fairly limited in as much as they could process and draw meaningful conclusions. With the advent of cloud computing, advanced AI, and a more data-educated workforce, being able to process the sheer volume of data is no longer a limiting factor....
For the full article, go to

Mark Juviler is the Founder and President of Pulse Technologies, a technology consultancy company for high-level database and software design. With Pulse Technologies Mark has worked with a wide variety of companies from hedge funds and banks to NASDAQ.

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